Monday, January 31, 2011

Mini music review of the week. Kid Liberty - Fight With Your Fists.

This weeks mini review is of a band I never even knew existed, Kid Liberty. They came out with their debut album Fight With Your Fists august 2010.

These guys mix pop-punk with metal influenced riffs and hardcore breakdowns/vocals better than most.
They are far above average technically when compared to other bands in this "pop-core" genre, but very cheesy at times lyrically. The vocals reminds me of Four Year Strong, but they're not quite that good, yet.

The Winds of War is a good intro, but doesn't really fit on this album at all. The song Keep On Pushin' is a typical upbeat pop-punk song with cool riffing, but the vocals just doesn't cut it, nor does the lyrics.
The highlights of this album is definitely I'm right here, The Situation, I'm Not A Person Anymore... I'm A Turtle and That's what she said.


1. The Winds Of War
2. I'm Right Here
3. Keep On Pushin'
4. Telephone Toughguy
5. Fight With Your Fists
6. Coolguy Deluxe
7. The New Recipe
8. The Situation
9. I'm Not A Person Anymore... I'm A Turtle
10. Twelve More Days
11. That's What She Said
12. This Is A Stickup!

Overall this is a good pop-punk album, better than most, but not one of the best. Definitely check these guys out if you're a fan of Four Year Strong, A Day To Remember, Set Your Goals or Blink 182.



  1. Nice review. I'll have to check their album out sometime.

    Speaking of punk in general, though. Have you heard any stuff by "off!" yet? Their new LP is pretty damn good.

  2. They sounds interesting, gotta check em out.

  3. is fighting with your fists unusual?

  4. Pretty high-tech sound, thanks for the link!

  5. They got potential, but they should get a new singer

  6. nice mu$ic...
